Always Livinn Anti-Drug
Anti-drug is the way to be dont
get caught up in smokin weed or doin
crack because its all a BIG WASTE
You hurt yourself in the longrun
you might think its cool but
always stay above the influence
So imagine this do you want to
end up on life support
and see that tunnel as it
takes you down further
and further and see that
light that once oyu reach
it your gone....gone for ever in the physical
realm just because you took that first sniff
or that first puff
So im living drug free some might mock
and ridicule me
but it wouldnt even phase me
because i am taking control of my life
and i am NOT letting a couple shots take me
drunk..... because then i have no control
and that is totally against my ways
and my ways stay unlike your life when
you do drugs
So dont let your light burn out
let it shine so it says im
drug free and thats the way ill always be
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